شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Permission [The manner of spending religious law funds]

Najaf, Iraq
The manner of spending religious law funds
Sayyid Murtada Pasandideh
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۹۸ تا صفحه ۲۹۹
In His Most Exalted Name
I wish to inform your honor that your esteemed letter of Shawwal 20 was received in the second ten «1» of Muharram. May God keep you healthy and happy. The matters over which I am greatly perturbed and would like to bring your notice concern that which is in the possession of Mr. Haj Muhammad Hasan and is devoid of a receipt. This would be highly incriminating for him and for me. Gossip has already started here and there nowadays, and it is possible that the establishment «2» might find an excuse to make an issue out of it. You must definitely think about getting the receipt for this case. They should be transferred to another place in the custody of an administrative board that is very reliable in my opinion, to that bank in which Mr. Mousawi «3» is a member and is said to be an upright person. In any case, please think over the matter as it poses a great danger to him, to your honor and to me. It is also necessary for the stipends to be doubled or tripled by various means If there are any obstacles, give them by exercising dissimulation. Also, increase the disbursements in these hallowed days, and help the poor and the weak. Please rid me of this anxiety. I have thought about this place; the stipends of forty dinars are much, and seasonal disbursements will also be made. The enclosed receipts are from Mr. Tehrani; I do not know whether they are from Mr. Haj Murtada or his brother. They are from someone at the bottom of whose letters you had written your regards. Please give ample assistance to three-year travelers «4» extend them your help.
Please write if those three checks are cashed. I have no further time to say anything. The persons such as Mr. Rasti and the other one whom you have appointed are not those that I have in mind. I will appoint the persons myself, God willing, and inform you. Please give stipends in the provincial seminaries. Put the little there is to use; transferring from that place is essential. They intend to accuse him, and possibly you and me. What Mr. Ridwani's father has given you, he has taken here to give there. He was to have previously given 73 tumans as well; he says that he has given it but there has been no news from your honor. I will let you know of the balance later. You write very detailed letters which are troublesome to you; nor can I peruse them with these eyes of mine and the lack of time.
«۱»- That is, the second ten-day period of Muharram. «۲»- The Shah's regime and Security Organization (SAVAK). «۳»- Mr. Sayyid Muhammad Mousawi Khou'iniha, a member of the board of trustees of the Islamic Cooperative Bank. «۴»- Not legible.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 01 فروردین 1300

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