شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Opposition to the US; necessity for the collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Opposition to the US; necessity for the collapse of the Pahlavi dynasty
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۲۹ تا صفحه ۳۳۰
Interviewer: A reporter of the American CBS Television
Q: [Your Eminence! Bakhtiyar, who is a candidate for premiership, has said that you can return to Iran whenever you wish. Have you made up your mind about returning to Iran in the near future?]
A: I have not decided yet.
Q: [Your Eminence, would you accept a government in which the Shah too will have a position?]
A: No.
Q: [Your Eminence, you are accused of being an anti-American figure by some of the US circles. Do you believe that the collapse of the Shah should be a cause of concern for the United States?]
A: If opposition to the US means that we do not want to be dependent on the United States, yes we are anti-America! And if the US is afraid of this, it should be concerned!
Q: [Is there any reason for the US to be concerned about the Shah's collapse, because it has supported the Shah's government?]
A: Yes, because with the existence of the Shah, the US could plunder Iran, but when the Shah is overthrown, it is not possible for the United States to do so any longer. However, what the US will do after the Shah's overthrow is none of our business. We will do business with any country that pays better. Of course, we will also consider the spiritual and humane issues.
Q: [It is said that the Shah intends to leave the country for a short vacation. Does this very point satisfy you to put an end to all the strikes and demonstrations?]
A: No, the Shah's departure is not enough. The regime should be overthrown and everything related to the monarchical system should be destroyed to satisfy us- that is, the nation.
Q: [Therefore, you will not accept a constitutional monarchy or something like that?]
A: No, a constitutional monarchy is not what we want.
Q: [Thank you for the interview.]

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 14 دی 1357

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