شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Letter [to Faridah Mustafawi]

Najaf, Iraq
Faridah Mustafawi
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۴۸۱
In His Most Exalted Name
My loving daughter,
Your letter, after a long period of no news, waiting and worrying, arrived; it gave me joy. Other than you everyone else has forgotten me, especially Khanum who is engaged in visitation and recreation. «1» I hope everyone is fine, happy and cheerful, by the will of God. Praise be to God, we are all fine. Husayn who had undergone a medical operation is home from hospital and is doing fine. The weather here is pretty much fine but still the fans and air conditioners at the Shrine and a majority of other places are in use and until last night I would sleep on the rooftop. However, as a precaution I will sleep on the balcony tonight.
From Siddiqah «2» there is nothing and from Fahimah «3» I have not received any letter for sometime. I hope they are fine. Khanum's traveling time is over; approximately three months have finished; send her soon. Extend my greetings to everyone. I have no direct news from Ahmad or from your uncle; «4» Extend my greetings to the latter, Mr. A`rabi «5» and Ms. Fereshteh. «6»
I hope that, God willing, everyone will be successful in fasting. I hope for prayers from you all. On Monday the moon was not seen here; was it seen in Qum or not? Peace [be with you].
Your father
Month of Fasting 3,1392 AH
«۱»- Imam Khomeini's wife who had gone to Iran from Najaf (Iraq) to visit her children and relatives. «۲»- Imam's daughter. «۳»- Imam's daughter. «۴»- Mr. Sayyid Murtada Pasandideh. «۵»- Muhammad Hasan A`rabi, Imam's son-in-law. «۶»- Imam's grandchild.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 29 مهر 1351

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