شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Letter [to Sadiq Khalkhali]

Najaf, Iraq
Paying no attention to the groundless statements of mischief-mongers
Sadiq Khalkhali
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۶۸ تا صفحه ۲۶۹
In His Most Exalted Name
Night of Dhou'l-Hijjah 5,1389 AH
His Eminence `Imad al-A`lam wa Thiqat al-Islam Mr. Khalkhali, may his generosity last long:
Your respected missive was received. «1» I am of the opinion that some different roots have prevailed in Your Eminence's heart from which your long letter has originated. One is affection which is one of your integral characteristics. Another one is your kindness to me in which I do not doubt. And yet another one is emotional problem! These have caused you to believe in what you have been told and of which I do not have any information whatsoever. You took the matter for granted and derived from the subjects, which I did expect of you and wrote:" I am bleeding at the heart because of you[! ]" I do not bleed at heart even because of those who assumedly have done me harm. Even if it is so, I will not put it in words. You have a special place in my heart and as I have repeatedly said in hardships and dangers and ahead of others, God willing, endangered your life for my goal which is anyone else's goal. How could I be annoyed of you deep in my heart? Or, even if, God forbid, there was any annoyance, should we mention it to others?! This is so, especially with reference to such a false misinterpretation:" Rest assured that I will not forget your affection until my last breath."
What made me enormously upset were the sentences mentioned at the end of your missive whereby you indicate:" Such and such was a ladder for going up" and so on. Of course, these sentences have been written at a time when the nervous system has been in command. However, your affections should have overcome the emotions.
When you write," You have portrayed me exactly like Aqa Muhammad Khan of Qajar, the head of the Qajar dynasty!" I should emphatically say that you are totally wrong! You did not have the position of scaffolding during those days; it was a common goal and you recognized and acted accordingly, may God reward you. Nor did I have, or do I have now, any opinion as such of people like you who are the rays of hope and the apples of my eyes. At present I am in a state that I cannot bother you more, but you should know that I am and I will be interested in you. There was another sentence in your missive that irritated me, too. I was very surprised of you that how in the world and after all those experiences you do not have a clear understanding of me. You supposed that if you attend" classes," I will be annoyed. You are absolutely mistaken! I hope, God willing, you will not accept as true everything you hear from others. Act accordingly before doing some research, albeit from my person.
Now, with regards to Mustafa, he and you are two friends of the same age, and you are entitled to deal with the complaints in whatever way you wish. But remember not to take for granted anything you hear about him either. It is possible that some mischief-mongers want to create some sort of trouble between you two. I did not show your missive to him and did not say anything, but I did not detect in him any lack of affection to you. I hope for your benevolent prayers. What causes happiness is that there remains only a few days room for these talks; and the few more breaths that are left of me will subside and all those talks will end. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
«۱»- Imam Khomeini's missive is a response to the letter dated Dhou'l-Qa`dah al-Haram ۱۳۸۹ AH of Sadiq Khalkhali to him.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 23 بهمن 1348

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