شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Statements [The necessity of paying attention to the life-giving teachings of Islam]

Karbala, Iraq
Husayni `Ashoura
The necessity of paying attention to the life-giving teachings of Islam
Students of Basra University
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۱۸۱


[In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful]
When the imperialist agents approach us (clergymen), they remark," The generation of the youth, the educated, and the college students are corrupt. They have lost their religious and national beliefs and are gone astray, and they blindly imitate the foreigners." When the same agents approach you (the university students), they say," The maraji` and the clergymen are superstitious and reactionaries, and do not understand the realities of the time and to follow them means a retrograde movement and a step backward. The condition for progress and advancement is in ignoring such fanatic and old-fashioned elements and their beliefs, and staying away from them!" Now, in spite of the will and efforts of the discord-mongers and imperialists, it is incumbent upon you and us to deepen our spiritual and intellectual relations and in any case, to have mutual agreement. United and with the aid of experiences and information and each other's dynamism, bring about our stability, grandeur, prosperity, advancement, and supremacy.
You educated youth, the tomorrow's office-holders and incumbents should be on the alert and be awake. You should challenge all the elements of backwardness, discord and abjectness of your nation. If you pay close attention, you will come to realize that the most important element of the Muslims' decadence is keeping a distance to, and a lack of awareness of, the true and life-giving teachings of Islam. It is the same Islam that in the darkest era of history brought into existence the most glorious and the most brilliant civilization and prompted its followers to the zenith of grandeur, power and supremacy. At a time when the same followers renounced those teachings and joined a perverted and superficial way that they named `Islam, ' it was natural that it had lost its grandeur and ancient greatness and fall into a dark and murky day of today's nature


امام خمینی (ره)؛ 20 فروردین 1347

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