شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The source of sufferings of the Muslims
Palestinian delegation sent by Yasir `Arafat
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۹۱ تا صفحه ۴۹۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Solving the problems of the Muslims through unity of expression

Although this tragedy «1» was unpleasant and weighed heavily upon us, we must be resistant in the face of tragedies and problems; and God willing, with resistance we can solve the problems. And I implore God to grant us the spirit of resistance and likewise to our brethren in Palestine and in Lebanon. Despite all the calamities that you are faced with, I am optimistic that with the steadfastness that the gentlemen have and Abou `Ammar «2» has, you shall overcome your problems and the affairs of the Muslims be reformed.
Convey my greetings of peace and good health to Abou `Ammar and tell him on my behalf that your problems are our problems in the same way that our problems are your problems. The Muslims must be a single hand against all the oppressors. And I hope that with the unity of expression between we and you that is by the grace of God present, and with unity of expression with the rest of the strata of Muslims and especially the Muslim governments, it shall result in the elimination of our sufferings and your sufferings and the sufferings of the rest of the strata of Muslims.
We know and so do the Muslims; rather the important Muslim governments also; everybody knows that what we have got and inherited are two problems. One is the problem between the governments themselves that unfortunately they have not been able to resolve as yet and that problem is the differences between themselves, and that they know that the source of all the sufferings of the Muslims are these differences; and we also have been counseling on this subject since approximately twenty years; we have repeatedly written, spoken and called upon the leaders of the governments to maintain this unity; but unfortunately, so far it has not been achieved. And the second problem is the problem that the governments have with the nations whereby the governments behave in such a manner with the nations that the nations do not support them. The problems that are created for the governments and that must be eliminated with the help of the nations because of the understanding that is not present between them. If the nations do not add to the problems of the governments, they are in the least, indifferent. And perhaps I have spoken on this subject repeatedly that it would be good if the governments take a lesson from our previous government and our present government. If a problem would occur for the former taghouti regime, the nation would either add to the problem or remain indifferent to it.

Importance of the support of the nation for the government

And now our government, on the basis of it being an Islamic government and has no intention of doing injustice to the nation can depend on the nation to solve its problems. You saw that a big problem occurred for us in Kurdistan province; and as soon as it was announced that such a problem has occurred, people from all over Iran came to support and was ready to move toward Kurdistan in order to eliminate the disturbance. But we, in order that they should not be inconvenienced, and were certain that the disciplinary forces could solve the problem, requested them to be patient. And I know that any day that a problem occurs for us, our nation will strive to eliminate it and they have announced its willingness to us.
If the governments also behave with their nations in such a manner, there shall be no problem remaining for the Muslim states; and I beseech God, the Blessed and Exalted, to awaken all of us and resolve these problems so that we are liberated from the clutches of the criminals of history.
and we beseech God to solve the issue of Palestine in a manner that is to the benefit of the Muslims. I thank you and Abou `Ammar. And I pray for all of you. And I consider it an Islamic duty to pray and am hopeful that God will resolve all the problems with His own hand.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه