شناسه مطلب صحیفه
The honor of the mutual bond between the military and the nation; announcement of general amnesty in the armed forces and the police forces
Six-hundred commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the artillery center of Isfahan
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۸۱ تا صفحه ۸۳
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

An auspicious day

I regard today as an auspicious day; I regard it as a happy day. Before noon, a large number of our friends, our military brethren, our brothers in the gendarmerie came to meet with us. Now, my dear friends and the respected military personnel of Isfahan have come to visit us. I regard this day as auspicious and happy for the reason that the military has managed to win the hearts of the people and is well respected and warmly welcomed by the people. I regard this day as auspicious from the point of view that previously and in the era of the taghouti regime, our military was distanced from the people and even more distanced from the clergy. Today, the military is in the heart of the nation and alongside the clergy, such that they were received here at the instance of Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Jalaluddin Tahiri- may God Almighty assist him. It is unprecedented for a cleric to participate in the army and a military parade. The military was separated from the nation and the people were separated from the military. Moreover, this was a great treachery that the previous regime committed and divided us- the brothers- from one another. Today is an auspicious day that the army has embraced the nation and sees itself submerged in the sea of humanity and the people receive them like brothers. Neither are they disgusted with the people, nor are the people disgusted with them. Unlike previously, when the people were made to fear the military and the rest of the law enforcement forces such that the people felt uncomfortable at their very sight. In addition, they had reared the military in such a way that their sentiments in relation to the nation were other than the sentiments of today. Today, you feel happy to be in the embrace of the nation; and the nation feels happy to be in your embrace; and both feel happy to be in this fraternal gathering together. In addition, I feel proud that this army is mixed and bonded with the people just like two brothers. This is cause for pride.

The military at the advent of Islam

This is precisely what Islam wants. At the advent of Islam, the army of Islam and the people were united and had no conflict. They were from the people. Later on, the tyrannical kings and especially recently, because of the propaganda that they launched- propaganda done by the foreigners and the agents of that decadent regime- divided you from us and divided the nation from you. They divided the people from one another; they divided the university students from the seminary students; they wanted to divide the business class from both of them. By the grace of God, an opportunity was created whereby all are now united by the blessings of the Almighty God, and all are gathered together in fraternity and in a friendly atmosphere; in an atmosphere fraught with joy and celebration. This day is an auspicious day; this day is a happy and a great day.

General amnesty

And with regard to the subject of amnesty that Mr. Tahiri mentioned, it is exactly as he stated those that were criminals; those who were traitors; they have been and will be punished. And with regard to the army, gendarmerie, and likewise the rest of the echelons of the security forces, the police, all over the country if God forbid, they have committed a minor crime, a minor sin we will forgive this, and God the Blessed and Almighty has pardoned them because of their return to the fold of Islam and the embrace of the Imam of the Time. May God's peace be upon him. And we as followers of the Imam of the Time- may God's peace be upon him- have granted a general pardon and have forgiven those individuals who have committed minor crimes and indulged in, God forbid, certain lesser sins. May God grant all of you honor, glory, and strength.

Invitation to steadfastness and resistance

My brothers! Be alert to the fact that at this point of time, at this moment of time; the devils want to drive a wedge between you and us; between you and the rest of the law enforcement forces; between the various strata of the nation and to exploit this division. Moreover, in their own figments of imagination the devils facilitate the return to the previous situation even if it is in a modified form. However, you must with sagacity and awareness, negate their treachery and stand-up against them like a mountain and not permit them to create disorder in your society; in the great barricade that you have erected; and in this society; and in the unity of expression that you have, do not let them infiltrate your ranks for, if, God forbid, they infiltrate your ranks it can perhaps create a problem and difficulty for us.
May God grant all of you honor, health and happiness and cause you to become brothers and companions with the nation and the nation with you so that nobody can create a rift in this relationship of friendliness.
May God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه