شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Reasons for opposing the Shah's regime; US policy
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۸۴ تا صفحه ۳۸۷
Interviewer: A reporter of the American Baltimore Sun newspaper
Question: [What are the main reasons for your opposition to the Shah? Is it because the Shah has been slow in reforms, has gone too far in reforms, or has carried out inappropriate reforms, or basically there are other reasons?]
Answer: Firstly, because of the reason which was inherent in your question, that is, the Shah has officially interfered in various aspects of the country and in the regulation of outlines of the Iranian politics in the field of reforms; and it is itself an offense, for in the constitutional monarchy the Shah is a nominal power and does not have any right to interfere in these affairs. Rather it is the two houses of the parliament and the government that should decide about the fate of the country- if they were elected by the people. While the Shah has always said that he is the only sovereign power in the country and all the governments have confessed during these years that they have carried out his orders. Hence the governments have been offenders and must be tried; likewise the parliament members who have witnessed all these but have not protested and due to this very reason their election to the parliament has been an offense. Their silence is another offense for which they should be tried regardless of the fact that they have approved all the orders and commandments of the Shah that have been against the constitution. Since the Shah has been mainly responsible in all these offenses, therefore our protest is in the first place directed against him. A result of this illegal government, which did not rely on the nation and was imposed on the nation by sword, was the imposition of complete suppression and oppression on the people. And during all these years thousands were killed, imprisoned, and exiled and these atrocities are still going on. The result of the Shah's reforms in the field of agriculture was the destruction of Iran's rich agriculture to the extent that more than ninety percent of Iran's foodstuff is imported from abroad in lieu of the plundering of oil. In the field of industry, it created assemblage industries which are not compatible with the domestic requirements and have made the country so dependent on the foreign countries that emancipation from this problem will cost dearly. His crimes need extensive explanations in the fields of armament, subsoil resources such as oil, copper and other minerals, fisheries, forests, pastures, and water resources. In the field of cultural affairs and degeneration of the level of public morality of the society and in other affairs, it should be said that Iran has been reduced to a ruined land that we observe today.
Q: [What changes should be carried out in Iran in your opinion?]
A: Everything should be changed in Iran. From the Constitution to the form of government to the economic issues to cultural, social and military issues, all should be changed.
Q:[A great number of political forces are religious and nationalist forces, who are opposed to the Shah. Do you deem it possible that these forces settle their differences among themselves and form an effective government? If it is so, why and when have these differences been so deep?]
A: We have always recommended all the classes and strata of the people to put their differences aside and all unanimously endeavor to rescue the nation and the country. As we observe the unanimity and unity of the nation at this stage of their struggles, I hope that this unity will be consolidated day by day and all the leaders of the nation endeavor in a manner that the entire Islamic society attains its goals.
Q: [If the Shah resigns or accepts to give up all his political powers would you be willing to participate in a new government? If you are not willing, what is the reason?]
A: Currently the differences between the nation and the Shah will not be settled through his abdication from power, for he has committed numerous crimes and hence must be tried and punished and also all those who have cooperated with the Shah in his crimes must be tried and punished. Secondly, today the Iranian nation wants the elimination of the monarchical regime and the referendums of Tasou`a and `Ashoura demonstrated this fact to the world in an unprecedented manner. Also all announced together that they want the establishment of an Islamic Republic that is based on the people's votes, is formulated in accordance to the Islamic rules and criteria and functions according to these laws. Such a government is not possible except by granting maximum degree of constructive and creative freedoms.
Q: [Do you think that the Carter Administration is changing or modifying its policy toward Iran? What is your understanding of the US and Soviet
policies toward Iran? If you could, would you not change Iran's policy more toward the West?]
A: It is the duty of the American nation to impeach Carter and his administration and ask him not to tarnish the dignity of the American nation in the eyes of the Iranian people through his support of the man-slaughtering Shah any more. The Iranian people have decided to emancipate themselves from the clutches of colonialism and dictatorship, to become free and independent and formulate their policies on the basis of these two pillars; it is not important for them whether others like this policy or not.
Q: [Have you received any assistance or promise of assistance from Libya or from the Palestine Liberation Organization?]
A: No, never; not at all.
Q: [You have been quoted as saying that the foreign leaders who continue to support the Shah will not receive any oil from Iran under a government without the Shah. Did you not mainly mean the US? Do you think that this threat will be effective in the long run? If you could choose, do you think that you would stop the flow of oil to Israel, South Africa, Japan, France, the US, etc. or to any other specific country?]
A: We have said that since the Tasou`a and `Ashoura referendum held across Iran has negated any legality and legitimacy of the government and the Shah for yet another time, the Shah and his government are not representatives of the nation- even if they had been before, which they never were- therefore, any government supporting him, has taken a measure against the Iranian nation and the Iranian nation has every right not to sell oil to such a government which is the supporter of their enemy. Of course, we have said that so long as the heads of the governments that support the Shah are in power in these countries, we will not sell oil, whether it is the United States or any other country. With regard to Israel, it is certain that we will not extend any help to an illegal, usurping government which has encroached upon the rights of the Muslims and is an enemy of Islam. The issue is clear with regard to South Africa; it is a racist regime, which does not at all respect any human values and is basically a savage and criminal regime. But with regard to others, we are a seller and will export [our oil]; of course in accordance with the interests and political and economic situation of the country.
Q: [The French President Giscard d'Estaing once suggested that your order for protest and demonstrations in Iran was going beyond the limits of your stay in France and recently you have been allowed to extend your stay in France. Have you received any warning from the French government to moderate your statements? Do you basically intend to do so- moderating your statements?]
A: As ever, God willing, I will continue to discharge my duties in rendering service to Islam and the Muslims and wherever I feel any limitation, I will leave that place.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه